Thursday, May 20, 2010

Baby at 7 months!

28 weeks = 7 months! Seems like it was just a lil while back that I found out I was pregnant. :0) Our little one is now 2.5 pounds. She/he is growing and growing and I can now feel and see baby starting to play inside. It's a feeling that I know Jude won't understand, but when it happens I want him to feel and see it happening too.From my May 5th ultrasound we found out that baby had a small abdomen. Or that babys abdomen was not growing like it should be. So, of course we freaked out and I had to go to a specialist to get more accurate measurments. We did that this past Tuesday and it turns out that baby is just fine when it comes to his/her measurements. So, all is well in that area. They tried to get a picture of babys face but she/he wouldn't let the Dr. do so. lol. [*Baby is a shy one*] Baby also wouldn't let the Dr. look at her/his private area. hehe. The Dr. said that Baby was sitting "campfire style" and so the Dr. couldn't tell if baby was a girl or a boy.

Today I had another check up appt that took about twenty minutes. They checked the babys heart rate and my blood pressure. [All is well :0)] I also registered myself for the hospital we want to have the baby at. We were looking at doing some classes, but still aren't to sure if we will. There's this "Boot Camp for Dads" that seems like a cool one for Jude. [But we'll see] My next appt is in another two weeks (June 6th) which will be another checkup. As for me, I've gained 18 pounds (which puts me at 138.4 lbs) and expect to be gaining even more. :0) My complaints lately have been my feet and my back. I like to lay and watch tv at night. But, I hate to get up while watching tv because it makes my lower back hurt. It's very uncomfortable. My pants are tighter (I usually wear sweats now and the belly band is my necessity), I bought new tops, and my underwear seem to be shrinking. lol..

Recently the residents are finally seeing my bump and yesterday morning one of them said to me "Are you going to have a baby?", I replied "yes", he got soooo excited and started rubbing my belly and says in a semi-serious voice "Well, thats what you get for screwing around.." lol.. then he just starts laughing.

Until the next time.


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